“Truly connected with your inner self”

Name: Eliza
From: Malaysia
Level: Basic Mermaid Instructor
Instructors: Alan Lam & Yuki Wong

“What is your “Ideal Mermaid”?”

Truly connected with your inner self, be comfortable and confident with who you are. Expressing yourself freely and explore your strength. Be the voice to create awareness on ocean conservation and protect the ocean.

“Expectations Before Course”

Improve my skill and technique of mermaiding. It’s an amazing and unique experience, able to perform a dance routine underwater. Becoming a real mermaid is a dream come true.

“Did “Mermaiding” bring you any Life Changes?”

Happy to know and meet new lovely mer- friends. I enjoy teaching mermaiding and help to make your dreams come true. I am happier and more aware of my lifestyle to avoid products that are harmful to the ocean. I always find my calmness in water through mermaiding.